Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rena Chapter 53 Release

And here we have chapter 53.  Thank you for all your patience, and make sure to check out chapter 52 and 51, which I just posted below this!  <3 p="">


Rena Chapter 52 Release

If you want to help speed up releases, consider joining us by looking here.

Here's chapter 52!  Make sure to check out chapter 51, which was just released, below this, and chapter 53, which I'm about to post, above this.


Rena chapter 51 release

If you want to help speed up releases, consider joining us by looking here.

This release is about six months overdue, and I'm very sorry for that.  I actually ended up editing this chapter twice because I lost everything on my laptop and had to reformat.  Thank you all for your patience and for reading Rena!  I know some of you were getting antsy.  oh, and there's two more chapters which should be up above this one by the time you're reading this!  :D
