Monday, July 4, 2011

Rena Chapters 36 and 37 Double Release

I know it's been a while, so I'm proud to present you with a double release.

 Download link.

Download link.

If you want quicker releases, maybe you should apply to help us out!  Check out our help wanted post here!

inb4 typo on the cover.  I know it's there, but I don't feel like delaying this release anymore, so just deal with it.  Won't happen again, though (at least not on the cover).

Most of the reason this took so long is because I've been ridiculously busy with work and life, so it took me a long time to edit chapter 36.  Truth be told, 37 was finished by CCHHunter way before mine was, but I didn't exactly want to release them out of order.

Speaking of which, I'd like to welcome our new editor, CCHHunter to the team!  We snagged him from the inactive SnoopyCool.  Their loss is our gain, I guess.  Welcome aboard, man!

Not much else to say, thanks for your patience and enjoy the double release.  I kind of forgot to post progress updates again... <.<;

PS: oh look guys, I didn't accidentally say chapter 35 this time... :P


  1. Awesome, thanks for the hard work guys =D

    Also, I wanna say, you rock for using mediafire. I know it's a pain for uploaders, but its sooo fast, I appreciate everyone who does upload to it.

  2. Thank you for two great chapters!
    I didn't notice the asphyxiating kegari chota in the last chapter but I sure did now. As long as you keep the chapters coming I don't mind that it takes a while.
    Thank you Noncomplatypus, Z and the new addition CCHHunter.

  3. Thanks for the double release! Love this series, keep it up!

  4. thank You! thank You!! thank You!!!

  5. Thanks for the double release :) Keep up the good work.

  6. Many thanks for the two chapters, and a big welcome to CCHHunter!

  7. Once again thank you for scanning this series :D
