Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rena chapter 41 release

Dowload link.

If you want quicker releases, maybe you should apply to help us out! Check out our help wanted post here!

Next chapter won't be as quick in coming as the last couple have been, as I'm pretty busy.  I'll get it done eventually, though!  Enjoy~


Friday, August 12, 2011

Rena chapter 40 release

Download link.

If you want quicker releases, maybe you should apply to help us out! Check out our help wanted post here!

Nothing to say this time, enjoy!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rena chapter 39 release

Download link.

^where'd that black corner come from?  I didn't notice that before... oh well.  =/

If you want quicker releases, maybe you should apply to help us out! Check out our help wanted post here!

Well I somehow managed to overflow a toilet, doing yet more damage to my house.... on the plus side, that made me stay home all day instead of wondering off somewhere else, so I managed to get this chapter done quicker.  Sigh...

Also, I think chapter 40 will be out soon (like in the next few days), so check back frequently.  :D

